Free Guide: Start Building Your Integral Mind

Drawing on science, psychology, human development, spirituality, religion, and dozens of other fields, Integral Theory is a revolutionary framework for understanding ourselves and the world we live in. This free course is the fastest and the most convenient way to learn its basic principles:

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Robb Smith
Social innovator, leader in integral philosophy, CEO of Integral Life

This free series of emails will show you:– how to find a way to make sense of life (and the world) that’s getting more complex with every year,
– which practices and insights can help you live a fuller, more effective and joyful life,
– how to find answers to the big challenging questions of 21st century using the leading edge of science and philosophy at the same time,
– how to increase your level of consciousness,
– how to see everything in the universe as both a part and a whole,
– how each stage of consciousness creates its own world,
– and much more…

”In a clear, concise, and compelling series of lessons, this course navigates you through the complexity of Integral Theory with simplicity as the guiding principle.Having digested this material, a calmness arose as I understood the world around me with greater wisdom, a satisfaction arose as I began to apply the teachings, and a drive arose to operate from my newly acquired perspective in my family, my work, and my community.”– Toby M., course subscriber

Build Your Integral Mind In 24 Days:

Despite the fact that it integrates many known systems and models of human growth – from the ancient sages to the latest breakthroughs in cognitive science – Integral Theory can be explained with just 5 simple elements, the ones that YOU can verify in your own experience right now. Start learning them today:

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